Boaz Public School

Four ways to implement ATL skills in the classroom | IB Community BlogThe Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in India is known for emphasizing a holistic approach to education. It encourages the development of students in multiple dimensions, including academic, social, emotional, and ethical aspects. Boaz-CBSE promotes a learner-centric approach that goes beyond academic achievement. 

The Boaz-CBSE curriculum typically emphasizes the following aspects:

  1. Scholarship: Encouraging a passion for learning and academic excellence.
  2. Skills: Fostering critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration skills.
  3. Character: Emphasizing ethical behaviour, values, and integrity.
  4. Citizenship: Instilling a sense of responsibility towards the community, nation, and the world.
  5. Leadership: Developing leadership qualities and the ability to take initiative.
  6. Global Awareness: Promoting an understanding of global issues and an appreciation for diversity.
  7. Well-being: Recognizing and supporting the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of students.

These dimensions reflect Boaz-CBSE’s commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped for success in various aspects of life.